Foundation Doctors


Foundation Training at ESHT has been really successful for me in terms of training, education and support.  I have experienced surgical, medical and community rotations which have comprehensively covered all aspects of foundation training, allowing me to develop safely as a junior doctor.  The support given by all teams has been second to none including administrative and clinical, which has allowed me to focus on my training and reduced any anxieties I might have had.  ESHT is a friendly trust to work in and there is a fantastic network of junior doctors.  There are lots of opportunities to enjoy life outside work too.

Catherine McIllroy, FY2 (Rotations: ED/Psychiatry/Palliative Care)

The Foundation Programme includes formal weekly teaching sessions, monthly afternoon workshops, directed and self-directed personal learning, structured appraisal and assessments.


Foundation Year 1

Our Foundation Doctors will benefit from rotations in the following specialities: General Surgery, Breast Surgery, Elderly Medicine/Frailty, Ortho/Geriatrics, Stroke, Psychiatry, Diabetes and Endocrinology, Urology, Respiratory Medicine, Gastroenterology, Cardiology, Palliative Medicine, Paediatrics, Rheumatology, Acute Medicine, ENT and ITU.

Click here for the Foundation Year 1 Handbook


Foundation Year 2

Posts in General Practice, General Surgery, Acute Medicine,  Elderly Medicine, Respiratory, Gastroenterology, Cardiology, Orthopaedics, Emergency Medicine, ENT, Paediatrics,  ITU, Trauma and Orthopaedics,  Haematology, Ophthalmology, Public Health, Psychiatry, Palliative Care and Urology.


Foundation Enhance Programme from 2024

Click here for more information



Core FY1 and FY2 teaching is held weekly on both sites – usually for one hour but with extended workshops sometimes held monthly.

Grand Rounds are held weekly at Conquest and Eastbourne DGH as well as regular specialty specific teaching. ESHT runs a Leadership Programme (LEAP), which all junior doctors are invited to attend.  Both sites have excellent medical student programmes and Foundation Trainees are encouraged to take part in supporting and teaching the medical students.

For further information on Core Teaching expectations, click here

Description of Core and Non-Core Learning, click here


Foundation Rotation Guides

Go to the Induction Page, where you will find Foundation Rotation Guides on various specialties. The content has been designed to give an introduction to the day to day working, informally peer reviewed.


Can I complete e-learning modules?

There are two main sites that the FY1s and FY2s use for e-learning, these are: and (referred to as SCRIPT).

Click here for ARCP requirements

The table below has links to specific areas such as roles, placement supervision group (PSG), supervised learning events (SLEs) and more.  This table has been downloaded from the UKFPO, and information is updated as soon as it is available. We encourage you to have a look when able to and if you have any queries please direct them to the Foundation Programme Administrators.


Topic Resource bank
UK foundation programme curriculum 2021 UK FP Curriculum Link
Topic 1:
Launch of new UK foundation programme curriculum 2021
YouTube – What does the new curriculum mean for a supervisor?
YouTube – What does the new curriculum mean for a trainee?
The 2021 Foundation Programme Curriculum Factsheet
Introduction to 2021 FP curriculum for educators FactsheetPodcast
Topic 2:
The educational supervisor
The clinical supervisor
The Educational Supervisor Factsheet
The Educational Supervisor PodcastThe Clinical Supervisor Factsheet
The Clinical Supervisor Podcast
Topic 3:
The foundation doctor
Self-development time
The foundation doctor Factsheet
Self-development time Factsheet
Topic 4:
The role of the doctor
The role of the doctor Factsheet
The role of the doctor Podcast
Topic 5:
The Placement Supervision Group (PSG)
The Placement Supervision Group Factsheet
The Placement Supervision YouTube
Topic 6:
Supervised Learning Events (SLEs)
Supervised Learning Events YouTube
Supervised Learning Events Factsheet
Topic 7:
The LEARN form
The LEARN form Factsheet
Topic 8:
The summary narrative
The summary narrative YouTube
The summary narrative Factsheet

Horus is the e-portfolio for foundation doctors in England.

For answers to frequently asked questions, short user guides and screenshots/videos, visit the FAQs section and you may wish to look at the Timeline for completing your assignments here:

Click here to see the ARCP requirements for 2020/2021

e-Portfolio – UK Foundation Programme

HORUS Help and Support

For any queries please contact the Programme Administrator.

KSS Foundation School manage recruitment of all our Foundation Doctors. We work closely with them to deliver excellence in training as well as providing information and support as necessary. Please see their website for further details

Medical Education hosts an annual awards event to recognise the achievements of our Foundation doctors, supervisors and colleagues and to thank them for their hard work throughout the year.  KSS Merit Awards are presented to trainees who as well as having successfully completed their training year at ESHT have done particularly well in the areas of Audit, Learning Portfolio, Teaching and Leadership.  There are also local awards for outstanding  contributions to medical education, an education fellow award, a trainee rep award and the Mayo award for pastoral support.

EOLAS (pronounced oh-lus)

Irish word meaning knowledge. Streamlines access to medical knowledge for use at the point of care, ensuring all healthcare professionals can make the right decision for every patient every time.

Please click on QR code above to down load to your device

Any user with a current Micro guide account will be automatically moved to EOLAS