Knowledge and Library Services


There is a wide range of physical and electronic library resources.

You can request articles, current awareness, literature searches or training.

Resources that may be of interest include:

  • Anatomy TV – a 3D look at human anatomy, this interactive resource includes 3D models that can be rotated and you can also strip away layers of anatomical detail
  • BMJ Best Practice and UpToDate – evidence-based clinical decision support tools
  • BMJ Case Reports – ask for our fellowship code to submit your manuscript
  • Browzine – provides access to electronic journals (find journals by subject, title or ISSN)
  • Library catalogue – Kent, Surrey and Sussex NHS Libraries
  • NHS Knowledge and Library Hub (find journal articles, e-books and clinical  – click on the yellow ‘Sign in’ line at the top of the page and enter your OpenAthens username and password to access more subscribed content)

For many of our online resources you’ll need an NHS OpenAthens username and password. If you already have an OpenAthens account but can’t remember your details please contact the library for help.

Visit the library website for more information.

Clinical decision support tools

ESHT staff and placement students can access UptoDate and BMJ Best Practice

These online point-of-care tools give healthcare professionals fast and easy access to the latest information when making diagnosis and treatment decisions

To access BMJ Best Practice: visit click Log In – click OPEN ATHENS, sign in with your OpenAthens username and password

(register for an OpenAthens account at

To download the mobile app: visit click Log In click OPEN ATHENS, sign in with your OpenAthens username and password, create a free personal account, visit the app store on your mobile device, install the BMJ Best Practice app, log into the app with the email address and password you created to create your personal account

To access UpToDate

  1. Via the Extranet – no login required, Visit the Extranet, click A to Z, select ‘U’, click UptoDate, click Up to date search
  2. Visit, log in using your OpenAthens username and password (register for an OpenAthens account at
  3. Use the UpToDate mobile app, follow the instructions below

To set up access for the mobile app you must register for an account from a PC on the ESHT network:

Visit the Extranet, click ‘A to Z’, select ‘U’, click UptoDate, click Up to date search

In UptoDate click register, enter your details and create a username and password, click submit registration

You will receive an email to inform you that you can download the UptoDate app

Visit the app store on your mobile phone and download the Uptodate app

Log in with your username and password

Contact library staff for help.

Useful links to resources

ESHT library services has purchased various commercial resources which are free to you at the point of use. Many are password protected using Athens (also called OpenAthens). Log in from anywhere. If you don’t have an Athens login please register online or contact the library staff who will be happy to help

UptoDate – For best practice guidance: click on OpenAthens

BNF – Login with OpenAthens

BMJ Case reports – Provides guidance to write a case report to BMJ standards, contact the library server for a submission code.