Speak Up Guardian

Freedom to speak up (esht.nhs.uk)

Your Freedom to Speak Up Guardians at ESHT

Guardians are appointed in every NHS Trust and act independently and impartially to provide advice and support staff at any stage of raising a concern

The easiest way to get your concern resolved will be to raise it with your line manager. If you feel unable to raise your concerns through your reporting lines you can raise concerns with your Freedom to Speak up Guardians. The Trust has two Freedom to Speak Up Guardians:

Ruth Agg      Mob: 07920 087059

Dominique Holliman Mob: 07812 494704

Email: esh-tr.speakupatESHT@nhs.net


When things go wrong, we need to make sure that lessons are learnt and things are improved. If we think something might go wrong, it’s important that we all feel able to speak up to stop potential harm. Even when things are good, but could be even better, we should feel able to say something and be confident that our suggestion will be used as an opportunity for improvement and learning. We are committed to listening to staff and want to make speaking up ‘business as usual’ for everyone.

Fostering a culture of openness and psychological safety where everyone can feel confident and safe to speak up is critical. We know that the main barriers to speaking up are fear and futility. Fear of what might happen if you speak up; or a belief that nothing will be done if you do. We want to reassure all our colleagues that you will be listened to if you raise a concern.