The Trust has invested more than £350,000 in replacing all of the 256 mechanical beds at Conquest Hospital and Eastbourne DGH.

Jane Anscombe and Martinha Kirk from the Trust’s Electronics and Medical Engineering Department delivering one of the beds
The new beds are being delivered during November. The benefits of the chosen bed (the Innov8 IQ model) include removable panels which are easy to clean, separate handsets so that both the patient and staff can adjust the height and back support provided and a night light on the underside of the bed to improve the patient’s awareness of their surroundings.
The beds are also extremely light, making them easy to manoeuvre, yet have increased weight capacity to support a 30 stone patient and can also be extended to accommodate taller patients.
Associate Director of Estates and Facilities, Chris Hodgson, said: “These beds, which represent a significant investment for the Trust, provide the optimum combination of safety, performance and functionality. Not only should they improve the safety and comfort of our patients, but our staff will also benefit from the easy handling and manoeuvrability.”