Ben Sinden, a Painter at Conquest Hospital, has won with the Trust’s Monthly Staff Award. He designed and painted a mural on the walls of an ultrasound room, in his own time, to make the room more inviting for children.
ESHT Chairman David Clayton-Smith presented Ben with his award and praised him for his work in painting a colourful countryside landscape with sheep and hot air balloons. In particular, he commended Ben for giving so much of his own time to create this child friendly artwork. Before Ben painted the room it was very plain and uninviting to children and now it is the complete opposite and very child friendly.

Ben Sinden receives his award from Trust Chairman David Clayton-Smith in front of his artwork along with Dr Jenny Dagiakidi Consultant Radiologist
Dr Jenny Dagiakidi Consultant Radiologist nominated Ben. She said, “Ben has gone above and beyond our request to paint an Ultrasound Room that is child-friendly. He spent a lot of his personal time and put a lot of effort to make this room special for our little patients. It is now a happy and welcoming experience for children and their parents or carers. We are all very proud and excited for this improvement in our services. A big thank you to Ben and it is well deserved his commitment and personal time spent on this project has been recognised. “
Ben’s boss Alison Brant Facilities Site Operational Lead said, “Ben created and painted his own design on the walls of the ultrasound room. The effect is stunning. He came in before six each morning, before his shift started, to do all this work. He is a great lad, whose efforts deserve to be recognised.”