Friends and family of Lee Brazier, who sadly died in January 2016, have presented the money they raised in Lee’s memory, to the nurses and therapists of the Irvine Unit at Bexhill Hospital.
They raised £3363.28 through running the Hastings Half and Mini Marathon. Lee had been a patient in the Irvine Unit for around four months in 2015 and regularly dropped to see the staff after he had been discharged.
Sam Pearson, the mother of Lee’s three children said: “The staff on the Irvine Unit who cared for Lee were fantastic. We wanted to raise some money so they can make someone else’s family as happy as we were whilst they are in the Irvine Unit.”
Irvine Unit Matron Liz King said: “We are very grateful to Lee’s family and friends for the donating this money in his memory. We will put it towards purchasing some new equipment for the Irvine Unit.”