The opening hours of the Trust’s Outpatient Booking service at Conquest Hospital and Eastbourne DGH have been extended to provide a more responsive service to patients.
The new opening hours are:
Monday to Friday – 8.00am to 6.00pm
Saturday – 9.00am to 12noon (Conquest Hospital only)
The number of staff working in the service has also been increased and more specialty level training is being provided, to further improve the booking service.
The team helps patients with general queries about outpatient appointments, as well as cancelling and re-booking appointments and requesting follow-up appointments.
Liz Fellows, Assistant Director of Operations, for East Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust, said: “The extended hours have been introduced in response to feedback from both colleagues and our patients. We hope this will make it easier for patients to get in touch with us about their outpatient appointment and improve the service provided.”