Specialist Nurse Annie Swann has won the Trust’s monthly staff award for her support and compassion with the families she helps.

Specialist Nurse Annie Swann with Chairman David Clayton-Smith
Sue Curties – Safeguarding Named Nurse, Acute Safeguarding children said: “Annie is responsible for representing East Sussex Healthcare with the process that follows when a child unexpectedly dies. This is a deeply challenging role and yet Annie continues to be supportive to the child’s family and ensure that they receive the guidance and support that a family need at such a difficult time.
“Annie has developed a process which helps the Paediatrician involved with the cases which, while providing a compassionate response, also incorporates a duty of candour statement. This has been extremely well received by the Paediatricians. I feel that this process will provide families with comfort and a promise of honesty from our organisation.
“I would like Annie to know that she is appreciated and thank you.”
Chairman, David Clayton-Smith presented Annie with her award along with flowers.