Patients at Conquest Hospital are the first in the South East to be offered a new procedure to lower blood pressure called ‘Renal Denervation Ultrasound’.
The procedure, performed under a local anaesthetic, directs a small device via the patients’ blood vessels to the renal artery where it then uses ultrasound energy to reduce the activity of the renal nerve helping to permanently lower blood pressure.
Dr Robert Gerber Consultant Cardiologist said: “Many patients with high blood pressure are on medication to help lower their blood pressure. We are part of a five centre clinical trial in the UK to insert a small ultrasound device into the renal artery to permanently reduce the renal nerve activity helping to lower a patient’s blood pressure. The long term benefits for the patient are lower blood pressure which is known to reduce the risk of stroke and cardiovascular disease.”
This clinical trial is being undertaken in USA, Japan, UK, Germany and France with Conquest Hospital being one of only five centres in the UK, having been the first centre in the UK to use this equipment before the clinical trial.