Sharon Paine Locality Manager for Health Visiting and Children’s Centres has won the Trust’s monthly staff award for her support with the integration of Health Visiting and Children’s Centres.
Her nomination said: “Sharon has worked flexibly to support the integration of Health Visiting and Children’s Centres over the last year including covering 3 extra teams in the absence of a Locality Manager for High Weald. As well as managing her teams Sharon has a lead area for the implementation of the Unicef Baby Friendly initiative where the service passed it’s stage 2 assessment with flying colours. Sharon has worked inspirationally to help the service achieve this.”
Health Visiting and Children’s Centres offer families with children under 5 years a range of services, information and support in their local community. They offer support around the following:
- pregnancy and newborns advice
- home visiting
- volunteer and/or community drop in sessions
- parenting support
- information about your child’s health needs
- training courses to improve life skills or help you back to work
- help finding specialist groups and services.