Hospital volunteers have been thanked for their services to patients and local hospitals at the annual Volunteers Celebration Event.
The event was attended by 26 volunteers who were presented with certificates in recognition of their length of service. In total 37 volunteers have been recognised for their length of voluntary service; five have volunteered for 25 years, four for 20 years, 12 for 15 years and 15 for 10 years with a special award for numerous years of voluntary service at Bexhill Hospital to Harriet Chapman. When combined, these volunteers have given a total of 565 years’ of voluntary service.

Volunteers with Alice Webster, Director of Nursing
There are around 800 registered volunteers in the community and at Bexhill, Conquest, Eastbourne and Rye hospitals working in many different areas. The volunteers give their time free for a minimum of four hours a week with many working longer hours.
Alice Webster, Director of Nursing said: “We are extremely grateful for the work undertaken by the many volunteers in our hospitals. They all share one common thing – they give the precious gift of time. It is time freely given, in many cases a considerable amount of time, which all helps contribute to a better experience for our patients and visitors. The work, commitment and enthusiasm of our volunteers are a superb example to us all and a great service to the local community.”
Brenda Nelson volunteers on the Help Desk at Conquest Hospital, she said: “I became a volunteer when Conquest Hospital opened 25 years ago. At first I arranged flowers and was a member of the reception team, now I’m on the help desk. I enjoy the friendships I have made and I hope I have been able to help patients, visitors and staff; be it by giving directions, finding information or just holding a hand and listening. It is very rewarding and I will continue as long as I am able.”
Joan Ratcliffe volunteers in the Flower Shop at Eastbourne DGH, she said: “Volunteering has been a godsend to me after losing my husband. I worked for the Trust for many years and I began volunteering whilst I was still employed for a few evenings per week. After retiring I continued to volunteer because I have met a lovely group of friends and I thoroughly enjoy it. I would definitely recommend volunteering for the Trust, not only for the great friendships but the opportunity to support the Trust in any capacity, as it benefits all of us in the community.”
If you would like more details about becoming a hospital volunteer contact our Volunteer Co-ordinators at:
Eastbourne – Zoe Yousefi – Tel: (01323) 417400 Ext: (13) 4880
Hastings and Bexhill – Yvette Hamilton – Tel: (01424) 755255 Ext: (14) 8496