Members of staff from East Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust attended the inaugural Eastbourne Pride to promote the organisation as a place to work and the benefits of working at ESHT. People also had the opportunity to sign up to join patient user groups which will help to shape and influence future decision making along with those interested in volunteering at the Trust.
The Trust’s Sexual Health Team were also present offering free chlamydia testing to over 30 people along with free condoms and dental dams. The team also encouraged people to enter their photo booth and help share the sexual health website on social media
Kim Novis, Head of Equality and Human Rights for ESHT said: “At Pride there was a real sense of coming together in celebration of diversity. The reaction from those attending was fantastic with many people offering their support for the NHS. A huge thank you to colleagues and friends who came along, I think I can say on behalf of everyone we had an amazing day.”