A Resuscitation Council UK Advanced Life Support course, first started in Eastbourne in March 1993, has celebrated a 25th anniversary at Eastbourne DGH.

Faculty instructors celebrating the 25th anniversay of the Advanced Life Support course
The Resuscitation Council UK Advanced Life Support course is a standardised national course, which uses evidence-based resuscitation guidelines and skills to educate a variety of healthcare professionals in the United Kingdom.
The first official Resuscitation Council UK Advanced Life Support course in the UK was held in Eastbourne on 26th to 28th March 1993. Twenty five years ago it was a three day course compared with the current one day e-ALS type course, which comprises of one day pre-course on line learning modules and one day of face to face learning.
Steve Rochester, Senior Resuscitation Officer, who was a Faculty member on the first course 25 years ago said: “It is a great achievement to be able to mark the anniversary of something that started here in Eastbourne 25 years ago. This Advanced Life Support course has developed over the years and has been adopted by the European Resuscitation Council and the Australian Resuscitation Council. There are people across the country that are alive today because of the techniques and training offered to health professionals on this course.”