Deputy Lead Practitioner and Theatre Sister, Sara Parham, has won a Trust staff award for her peer vaccinator for theatres staff along with her fundraising. Sara was presented with her award by Trust Chairman, David Clayton-Smith.
Tim Leakey, DAS Divisional Governance Manager along with Jayne Cannon, Assistant Director of Nursing Surgery, Anaesthetics and Diagnostics Division, both nominated her and said: “Sara works as a Deputy Lead/Sister in theatres at Conquest Hospital within both surgery and anaesthetics. As well as volunteering to be the lead peer vaccinator for theatres and vaccinating in excess of 100 members of staff, she also organised the Christmas raffle for theatres, raising £280 of which £250 went to the Conquest Friends MRI appeal and £30 to St. Michael’s hospice.
“Sara is also the lead instigator for further education and training in staff and clinical visitors for infection control. Sara produces ‘Topical Pop-Up’ boards in theatres reception that change every few weeks to the topic of the moment e.g. HIV awareness, Hepatitis C and its history, etc. If people see something different then they will often look at this and take in the information – when this changes then they want to see what is next so keeps their attention in clinical education that benefits their work and the Division/Trust.
“This also ensures that staff within theatres are also seeing further education that is not directly within the remit of theatres and learning from other areas. Sara also manages the Theatres Infection Control departmental education board that is constantly changing with the most up-to-date Trust and National information on pertinent Infection Control information – changed into readable and colourful format so that staff will visualise, identify with and read.
“Change and education of staff is always a good idea to improve standards and is a part of good governance. As these have all been instigated by Sara herself, this is above and beyond and is not often seen within departments in the Trust and should be commended.”