The Trust is the first in the UK to prescribe a new endocrine drug called Natpar, a recombinant human parathyroid hormone.
The parathyroid glands are found in the neck and secrete a hormone (PTH) which is important in regulating the body’s calcium levels. Hypoparathyroidism is a rare condition caused when the body does not make enough PTH. The commonest cause is following neck surgery. Patients have to take calcium and vitamin D supplements to regulate the blood calcium level, and reduce symptoms including tiredness, difficulty concentrating, cramps and twitching. The new drug replaces the hormone itself, reducing the supplements required by patients.

Dr David Till Consultant Endocrinologist with the diabetes and endocrinology team
Dr David Till Consultant Endocrinologist said: “We are delighted to be the first Trust in the UK to successfully obtain funding for this newly manufactured hormone. I am very pleased to say the patient taking this new drug is showing huge improvements in the quality of their life. It will potentially improve the lives of others who have similar difficulties despite calcium and vitamin D supplements.”