The invaluable work of volunteers at East Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust, has been celebrated as part of National Volunteers Week.
Three events were held to celebrate and thank volunteers, culminating in a Long Service Award Ceremony held at The Manor Barn in Bexhill-on-Sea. Twenty nine volunteers and their guests attended the ceremony, which recognised their length of service. Between them, they have a total of 410 years’ of amazing volunteering service. The awards were presented by Miranda Kavanagh, Non Executive Director, who paid tribute to the hard work and dedication of the volunteers, alongside Chris Durber, Voluntary Services Manager.

Miranda Kavanagh Non-Executive Director with the volunteers
National Volunteers Week is a celebration of volunteering across the UK, and a chance to acknowledge and value the work that volunteers do.
Chris Durber Voluntary, Services Manager said: “Volunteering in our hospitals and community services can offer a great opportunity to give something back to the local community. It can be very rewarding, an opportunity to learn new skills and an invaluable way to gain experience. If you are interested in becoming a volunteer, or would like to find out more about the service please get in touch.”
The Trust has around 750 volunteers across its sites, who give their time and skills for free to improve the patient, staff and visitor experience.
If you would like more details about becoming a hospital volunteer contact our Voluntary Services Coordinators:
Eastbourne area – Zoe Yousefi – Tel: (01323) 417400 Ext: 4880.
Hastings area – Tracey Okines and Yvette Hamilton – Tel: (01424) 755255 Ext: 8496