A new bladder scanner and an uroflow meter, costing £11,000, has been donated to the Trust by The Friends of Conquest Hospital and The Friends of Eastbourne DGH, and will mean local children won’t have to travel to a specialist hospital in London, for investigations in the future.

Harry Walmsley – Chairman Friends of Eastbourne Hospital, Pari Karimi – Lead Nurse Children’s bladder and bowel service, Kate Campbell – Nurse specialist, Dr Alaba Ajanaku – Paediatric Consultant
The bladder scanner uses ultrasound to measure the capacity of the bladder and when combined with the uroflow meter, which measures the speed and amount of urine voided, it can be used to identify the causes of certain urinary difficulties.
Pari Karimi, Lead Nurse Children’s bladder and bowel service said: “A massive thank you to The Friends of Conquest Hospital and The Friends of Eastbourne DGH. This fantastic donation will help us to investigate why a child has day time urinary incontinence, when basic advice and strategies have failed to enhance continence. The benefit to local children will be that treatments and the right course of medication maybe given in adequate time scales without the need, in the future, to go to London for an investigation.”