NHS Improvement has confirmed the appointment of Karen Manson as a Non-Executive Director of East Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust and the Trust has appointed Nicola Webber as an Associate Non-Executive Director.
Karen replaces Sue Bernhauser on the board who has recently left after completing her four year term as a Non-Executive Director.
David Clayton-Smith, ESHT Chairman said: “I am absolutely delighted Karen will be joining the Trust Board as a Non-Executive Director and Nicola as an Associate Non-Executive Director. I am confident they will make a valuable contribution to the Trust Board as we continue to deliver high quality care for the patients in East Sussex.”
Karen Manson is the Managing Director of Manson Associates, a UK-based, global business consultancy specialising in healthcare and sustainability. She originally trained as a veterinary surgeon, practicing for over seven years in New Zealand and the United Kingdom. Prior to establishing Manson Associates, she worked at Janssen, the pharmaceutical companies of Johnson & Johnson where she gained over 20 years’ experience of the pharmaceutical industry in both large multinational and start-up biotech companies.
Nicola Webber is a fellow of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of England and Wales and has spent the last 15 years working in the financial sector in London. Previous roles include Assistant Director at Deloitte LLP and Commercial Director at INSYNERGY Investment Management. She has a genuine passion for promoting excellent health care services in East Sussex having recently given birth to premature twins, resulting in a short hospital stay, and accessing ongoing help and support.
Non-executive appointments to NHS Trusts are made by NHS Improvement and subject to the Code of Practice of the Commissioner for Public Appointments. Karen Manson has been appointed from 1st September 2018 to 31st August 2021 and Nicola Webber been appointed from 24th September 2018 to 23rd September 2020. Both are entitled to receive a remuneration of £6,157 per annum. Neither has declared any political activity in the last five years.