The Department for Health and Social Care has confirmed that it will be investing £13.86m as a capital loan into East Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust over the next three years, with £4.6m being invested this year alone. This investment is additional to any capital funding for this year.
The funding, which will go towards upgrading Eastbourne DGH, which is over 40 year old, will be primarily spent on internal fire compartmentalisation works such as replacing and updating fire doors, floors and walls. While this upgrade is happening, wards may need to move to allow the vital work to take place. This will provide an opportunity to also improve the quality of the ward accommodation.
Chris Hodgson, Associate Director of Estates and Facilities said: “This announcement is welcome news and recognises importance of updating our facilities and infrastructure in relation to fire safety, so that we can continue to deliver safe, effective and high quality health care for the people of East Sussex.
“This much needed investment will allow us to proceed with our plans more quickly, ensuring our infrastructure is sustainable for future generations. I would like to thank our local partners for their support in securing this bid.”