Work to reconfigure the main entrance at Conquest Hospital costing around £500,000 is about to start and will include the adaptation of the main entrance and canopy to create a more open area for visitors, digital booking in facilities and a new waiting area.
The building work is expected to take around 12 to 16 weeks to complete and will mean the use of a temporary entrance, to the left of the existing main entrance, for some of that time. It will also restrict the availability of ambulance parking and drop-off facilities at the front of the hospital. During the building work, the area outside the main entrance will be patrolled more heavily to help reduce parking congestion and improve the flow of vehicles.
Chris Hodgson, Director of Estates and Facilities said: “We are pleased to be able to start building work to improve the main entrance at Conquest Hospital. It will create a more open and welcoming entrance for patients and visitors. Reconfiguring the main entrance will also help us address the long standing issue of the flow of bitterly cold northerly winds into the front of the hospital during the winter which many have complained about in the past. We would apologise for any inconvenience in advance while building work takes place, which will involve patients and visitors using a temporary entrance and tighter restrictions on vehicular access at the front of the hospital.”