A team of nurses and midwives from the Trust visited Ark Castledown Primary School in Hastings to thank the children who had written letters as part of a Year 2 ‘Superheroes’ project they had taken part in.

Nurses, Midwives and Year 2 children from Ark Castledown Primary School in Hastings
The 6 and 7 year olds wrote letters to staff at Conquest Hospital asking them questions, so a group of nurses and midwives visited the school and answered some of their questions including:
- Why did you want to be a nurse?
- Can you tell me what it is like being a nurse?
- Is it hard being a nurse?
- What is the most difficult thing about being a nurse?
The nurses and midwives talked about their work caring for people and answered other questions about nursing. The children were also told about the importance of washing their hands and used an ultraviolet light box to show how effective their handwashing technique was.
Vikki Carruth, Director of Nursing said: “It was a delight to visit the children and answer their questions about nursing. I am proud to be a nurse and to be able to come to the school and hopefully inspire some of these youngsters to be nurses, midwives or healthcare professionals of the future, makes this visit incredibly worthwhile.”
Cherie Saunders, Year 2 teacher said: “As a project we have been looking at “Superheroes”, the qualities real life superheroes have and how the children can become superheroes themselves in the future. So it was great for some local “superhero” nurses to come to the school to answer the children’s questions about the work they do.”