Amy Collis, who works as Head of Nursing in the Emergency Department at Eastbourne DGH, has won our ‘Hero of the Month’ award.

David Walker, Medical Director with Amy Collis, Head of Nursing for the Emergency Department.
Amy was nominated for this award by Karen Burke, Staff Nurse in the Emergency Department. Karen said: “Amy is the best manager. She works so hard always going above and beyond her role, dedicating herself to her team and department.
“Amy is well respected by us all and has the ability to make us all feel valued and appreciated no matter how much stress and pressure she is under. Amy arranges regular awards and incentives for us all to keep morale high and this gives us all a massive boost. Not only does she work many hours in her managerial role she also works extra hours on the ‘shop floor’ to help us all, especially during staffing issues.
“I cannot express just how much Amy does for us all and I genuinely have no idea how she takes it all on. Alongside this, she is continually improving our department in so many ways. I feel so strongly that Amy must receive some recognition for all that she does as I feel she deserves it more than anyone.
“The past two years particularly have been so tough on our department with COVID-19, yet Amy is always smiling supporting and encouraging each and every one of us.”
David Walker, Medical Director, presented Amy with a certificate and a Love2shop voucher.
The ‘Hero of the Month’ award recognises the great work of colleagues who demonstrate how our values are lived out as part of everyday working life.
Each month, members of staff nominate their colleagues for this award. Eight divisional heroes of the month are then selected by divisional leads, and these nominations go forward to be selected as our overall ‘Hero of the Month’ by the Trust Executive.