Trust board

Our board is made up of a chairman, executive directors and non-executive directors.

The board of directors is responsible for setting and driving forward the strategic direction of East Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust. The board is made up of executive directors and non-executive directors who develop and monitor the trust’s strategic aims and performance against key objectives and other indicators. Together, their role is to receive, accept and challenge reports to fulfil all of their responsibilities.

The composition of the board helps to ensure that the skills and strengths provided by the non-executive and executive directors throughout the year provide a good, well-balanced board. The balance is reviewed throughout the year, as well as whenever director level vacancies, both executive or non-executive, arise. The board members provide a breadth of public and private sector expertise.

The trust has ensured a constitutional option to vary the numbers slightly as and when the need arises, provided always that the board retains a majority of non-executive directors. The board may delegate any of its powers to a sub-committee. The board has reserved the issues set out in its scheme of reservation and delegation and further guidance about the operation is set out in the standing orders and standing financial instructions.

Members of the board undergo an annual performance assessment, reviewing performance against agreed objectives, personal skills and competencies and progress with personal development plans.

Learn more about our Board meetings, which are open to members of the public, and see the register of interests.

Acting Chief Executive


Steve Aumayer

Acting Chief Executive


Executive Directors


Vikki Carruth

Chief Nurse and Director of Infection Prevention and Control

Jenny Darwood

Acting Chief People Officer

Dr Simon Merritt

Chief Medical Officer - Consultant - Respiratory Physician and Sleep Specialist

Richard Milner

Chief of Staff

Charlotte O’Brien

Chief Operating Officer

Damian Reid

Chief Financial Officer

Non-executive directors


Amanda Fadero

Non-Executive Director

Paresh Patel

Non-Executive Director

Frank Sims

Non-executive Director

Nicola Webber

Non-Executive Director

Carys Williams

Non-Executive Director

Ama Agbeze

Associate Non-executive Director

Amber Lee

Associate Non-Executive Director