Recovery after surgery involves healing, both physically and emotionally, and the time this takes varies from person to person. There is no right or wrong way just whatever works for you as an individual.
Going home can bring mixed emotions. You may feel relief that the operation is over but concern about what comes next, results appointments and possible treatments. You may feel isolated or insecure because you no longer have the immediate support of the hospital team. If you have any concerns or questions don’t hesitate to contact the Macmillan Breast Care Nurse Specialists for advice or information by telephone or email (see below). If you have any concerns regarding your surgery please contact the Enhanced Recovery (ERAS) Specialist Nurse in Breast Surgery on 0300 131 4500 Ext: 147269. Always remember to leave a message on the answer phone with as much information as possible as the Macmillan / ERAS office is not always staffed as they are frequently out seeing patients.
You may also call Breast Cancer Care’s free phone helpline on 0808 800 60 00 or Macmillan Cancer Support on 0808 808 00 00 for general cancer information and support.