Information about loss of consciousness or backouts

What is loss of consciousness or backouts?

There are many causes of blackouts or loss of consciousness. Sometimes they are caused by
Seizures might manifest in different ways including absent moments, stiffening and/or jerking
muscles and falling down. Seizures can be so brief that no one notices, or they can last for
many minutes.
If you had one episode, you might never have another, however, there are some safety
precautions that you and your family or carers should be aware of.
If you are having a tonic-clonic seizure (your whole-body shakes), you might go stiff, fall to the
ground. Then you can start having jerking movements and, because your breathing pattern has
changed, you might get a blue tinge around your mouth. You might lose control of your bladder,
or bowels, or both.

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Information about loss of consciousness or backouts

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