In order to achieve a natural pregnancy, one of the necessary requirements is a passage where the woman’s egg can meet and be fertilised by the man’s sperm. This usually takes place in one of the woman’s fallopian tubes.
In the course of investigation of a couple’s fertility, it is often necessary to find out whether the woman’s fallopian tubes are open or not. There are several methods to do this and one of the most common ways is the procedure of laparoscopy. In addition to assessing the tubes, laparoscopy can also examine other organs of the pelvis including uterus (womb), ovaries and their surrounding structures.
It will also allow conditions like endometriosis (tissues similar to the inside lining of the womb that are located outside the womb) and adhesions (fine scar tissues) to be seen and diagnosed. It is important to understand that this is a diagnostic procedure that is an operation to find out whether there is any abnormality in relation to the reproductive organs which may be contributing to the fertility difficulty, and not intended to be a treatment operation.