Following your minor skin surgery today please read the following advice.
If you have any post-operative concerns, then please contact the Maxillofacial department on: 0300 131 4500 extension 771756.
Note: this number is for use Monday-Friday 9am -12:30pm and 1:30pm-5pm. For out of hours advice please call 111 or attend your local A&E department.
1. Keep wound(s) dry for the next 48 hours. After 48 hours – unless instructed otherwise – you can wet the area as normal when having a bath/shower
2. Take regular pain relief (such as paracetamol) shortly after surgery and for the following 2-3 days as required. Please avoid Aspirin as this can cause bleeding
3. Apply a smear (half a pea size) of ointment (chloramphenicol) to the wound 2 x daily for 1 week with clean hands, as directed.
4. If bleeding occurs, use the gauze provided to apply firm pressure for 10 minutes. Damp the gauze slightly before use. Repeat if necessary. If bleeding still hasn’t stopped after 20 minutes of pressure please call or attend A&E.
5. Unless you have been advised otherwise, your stitches will dissolve. This can take anywhere from 1-3 weeks.
6. You will receive a follow up appointment to discuss the results of your procedure. Please see below
Skin Surgery post-operative instructions