Volar Plate Injury
You have sustained a volar plate injury to your finger. The volar plate attaches to the bone and has pulled on the bone at the base of the middle phalanx (middle finger bone).
You have sustained a volar plate injury to your finger. The volar plate attaches to the bone and has pulled on the bone at the base of the middle phalanx (middle finger bone).
Trigger finger is when a flexor tendon gets stuck in a pulley in the palm of the hand. It is often worse in the mornings.
You have broken your thumb. Healing: This normally takes approximately 4-6 weeks to heal.
You have injured your soft tissues around the joint at the bottom of your thumb.
You have broken your scaphoid bone. This is the small bone at the bottom of the thumb
We usually inject a local anaesthetic during the operation, so that you have as little pain as possible when the operation is finished.
You have broken your phalanx (finger).
Arthritis is inflammation of a joint. The common form ‘Osteoarthritis’ is caused by wear-and-tear, although there is a genetic pre-disposition to it.
You have sustained an injury to the neck of your 5th meta carpal (long bone on the outside of your hand)
A mucous cyst is a ganglion that appears on the back of a finger or thumb, near the end joint (DIP joint in the finger, IP joint in the thumb). A ganglion is collection of fluid arising from the nearby joint.