Medical Student Electives

International and UK

East Sussex Healthcare Trust provide placements for medical students from Kings College London (KCL) and Brighton and Sussex Medical School (BSMS). We are pleased to offer electives to medical students from other medical schools during the period June to September.

Electives are offered for a minimum of 2 weeks and a maximum of 4 weeks and are subject to availability.

Please see below for information about the application process.

We are only able to consider applications submitted from 1st to 31st March each year. Application received outside this period will be considered only in exceptional circumstances.

Purpose of the elective

The purpose for elective placements at ESHT is to observe clinical work. Objectives are agreed in discussion with the supervising clinician at the start of the placement.

Students on elective placements:

  • are not employed by ESHT to provide services or to carry out work of any kind
  • are not permitted to participate in or help with the investigation and treatment of patients, to advise staff on the treatment of patients, to teach clinical procedures, to carry out research or to assist with laboratory and/or other work
  • are not permitted to visit areas other than their base department without permission from their supervising consultant
  • are not entitled to remuneration or expenses from ESHT


You must provide a copy of your CV and complete the application form.

You must be in good standing at your medical school and must provide a letter of recommendation from your Dean of Clinical Studies.

It is essential that you have a satisfactory knowledge and understanding of the English language to enable you to communicate with medical staff in the hospital.

Occupational Health and Wellbeing

Medical students at UK medical schools

You will be asked to sign a declaration stating that you are up to date with DoH recommended vaccinations, serology and health screening, deeming you fit to work on a clinical placement within the NHS. If you are not up to date please can you arrange to have these done before you start your placement with us.

If you have a medical condition for which adjustments are required to enable you to carry out your placement, you must inform Medical Education Department in advance of your placement.

Information will be given to you on starting your placement as to actions to take in the event that you sustain a needle-stick injury or body fluid exposure.

International Medical students

If you have a medical condition for which adjustments are required to enable you to carry out your placement, you must inform Medical Education in advance of your placement.

Information will be given to you on starting your placement as to actions to take in the event that you sustain a needle-stick injury or body fluid exposure.

Please contact the Occupational Health and Wellbeing Department if you develop any or a combination of the symptoms listed below:

  • Unexplained weight loss
  • Unexplained fever, particularly at night
  • Unexplained breathlessness or persistent chest pain
  • Unexplained cough lasting longer than three weeks, especially if you are producing sputum


If you are an overseaas student you may need to apply for a valid visa.

Applying for a visa to come to the UK: Choose a visa – GOV.UK (


Hospital accommodation can be booked directly via our accommodation officers and is subject to availability. You will be sent contact details for the accommodation officers on both sites in your offer email/letter. You accommodation officers will be able to advise about costs.


To Apply:  All administration and correspondence is by email.

Click here to download the Medical Student Elective Form

Please complete and submit it to:

Only requests submitted between 1st March and 31st March will be considered. Due to the large volume of requests we receive and limited number of places we cannot guarantee you a place therefore if you do not hear from us within 4 weeks of your application, please assume that your application has not been successful.