The GPSTP training programme now has its own dedicated website.
Our excellent doctors and hospitals have an established reputation for the first-class training of GP registrars going back more than 30 years. We have an excellent team of programme directors and GP trainers with the experience and enthusiasm to stimulate, inspire and fully prepare you for the challenges of general practice in the future.
Our mission is to provide you with the educational, practical and personal support, so you can fulfil your potential as a competent, confident and successful GP.
Contacts for Doctors with Mental Health Concerns:
Confidential 24/7 Emergency Services BMA Wellbeing Support Service on 0330 123 1245 This is the leading mental health emergency service for doctors. It is available to all doctors – you don’t have to be a BMA member
Samaritans on 116123 The Samaritans provide an ‘active listening’ service open to all
Confidential Treatment Services:
NHS Practitioner Health Programme on 0203 049 4505 Website: This is a confidential NHS service all doctors in London, and all trainees in KSS. Simon Stevens announced at the Wounded Healer conference in October 2018 that NHS England will extend the service to all doctors in England
NHS GP Health Service on 0300 0303 300 Website: This is a confidential NHS service for GPs and GP trainees in England which is managed by PHP and provided by a network of psychiatrists and therapists across the country
In addition to these options, there are a number of useful links and services available from BSUH to all employees:
Brighton and Sussex University Hospital NHS Trust Services:
The following resources are available to all employees of BSUH, which would include all GP trainees on the Brighton and Mid Sussex GP training programme:
Health, Employee Learning and Psychotherapy Service (HELP)
The Health Employee Learning and Psychotherapy (HELP) service provides staff with confidential support, counselling and psychotherapy for a range of issues. Sometimes work related – from stress management to relational issues, employment difficulties or following critical/ traumatic events, to personal issues that may be affecting the individual
or call Ext. 3692
For more information go to:
Connections Support Service
Connections service provides an impartial and confidential point of contact for staff to discuss concerns that may be affecting them at work. They listen to concerns and help staff find the right advice, information or help they may need
To arrange a telephone or face to face appointment, contact the Connections team: or call Ext 67452 / 07768 855 394
Freedom to Speak up Guardian
The Freedom to Speak up (FTSU) Guardian works alongside trust leadership teams to support the organisation in becoming a more open and transparent place to work, where all staff are actively encouraged and enabled to speak up safely
If you need help, support or guidance then contact your Freedom to Speak Up Guardian:
or call Ext. 62870 / 07387 259 307
The trust provides Meditation at RSCH chapel and PRH chapel on Thursdays 12-12.30pm (non-religious, everyone welcome). Yoga and Pilates classes also available at PRH and RSCH
For further details see the Health and Wellbeing pages on the Staff Intranet or email:
Useful links:
British Medical Association (BMA) | Health and wellbeing resources |
BSUH Staff Intranet | Health and wellbeing support |
DocHealth | BMA supported Psychotherapeutic consultation service |
NHS Practioner Health Programme (PHP) | Self-referral service specialising in mental health support |
Royal College of Physicians (RCP) | Reports, resources and toolkits for junior doctors |
Support4Doctors (RMBF) | Health and wellbeing resources |
Doctors’ Support Network (DSN) | Health and wellbeing resources |
Professional Support Unit (PSU) | Short-term, solution focused interventions |
Royal College of Psychiatrists (RCPSYCH) | Support for trainees across each Deanery |
GP Workshops
Dr Alex Dale is the GP Tutor for Hastings and Rother CCG and Hight Wealth Lewes. He is also a GP Partner at Healthfield Surgery
He arranges the evening GP Workshops for Hastings, and they are held in the Education Centre, Conquest Hospital
His email is:
Dr Peter Williams is the GP Tutor for the Eastbourne CCG. He is also a GP Partner at Arlington Road Surgery, in Eastbourne and he is a GP Trainer on our VTS Scheme
He arranges the evening GP Workshops for Eastbourne, and they are held in the Education Centre, District General Hospital, Eastbourne. They are held in the evening, on the first Wednesday, of each month
His email is
GP Study Leave
From 1 January 2020 we will be moving to a single system for study leave for all GP trainees in hospital and practice placements across the KSS region.
This means that there will no longer be a capped individual budget for trainees in GP practice placements. We hope this will provide a less confusing system and allow trainees at any stage of their GP training to apply for the most suitable training based on their individual learning needs and PDP.
Trainees should continue to contact their Educational Supervisor (ES) for approval of study leave. The course list for GP trainees, which has recently been updated, can be found on the study leave homepage here.
All study leave claims will now be processed by your employing trust and reimbursed through monthly payroll. Please use the relevant local form and process in order to make your claim. ST3 trainees will no longer need to submit their claims directly to the HEE team for payment.
Courses not included on the curriculum lists but agreed as relevant for the trainee’s PDP are classified as aspirational and will require additional approval from the Head of School. More information on the process of applying for aspirational courses can be found on the website.
If you have any queries regarding the study leave process please discuss with your ES in the first instance.
Switching Careers - GP Speciality Training Application
There has been an increase in the number of enquiries from doctors who are considering retraining as a GP. Changes in the NHS over recent years means that more services are provided by multi-professional primary and community care teams
Some useful case studies and frequently asked questions are on the GP National Recruitment Office (GP NRO) website
Email if you would like to be put in contact with a GP who has gone through the retraining programme or to find out more information from a pool of local experts