Hospital Accommodation

Conquest – The Accommodation Administrator is Katherine Watts on extension 8001 and is on site (Block 43 – 70 Oast House Close – ground floor) between 0800 and 1600 hours Monday – Fridays and emergency onsite mobile number during office hours is 07814145419. For Out of hour’s emergencies please contact switchboard (O). Katherine can also be contacted via email:

Eastbourne – Hospital accommodation is situated next to the main hospital building. If you are experiencing any problems please contact the Accommodation Manager on extension 4955 or email:

Useful information

Calls to security to gain entry because of lost keys will be charged as will the replacement of lost keys. The laundry is coin operated. Please note that you must have your own TV licence. Following a serious fire on the Eastbourne site, candles and tea lights in any form are strictly forbidden and if found, will be removed and destroyed.

All rooms should be vacated by 10am or you will be charged for the extra days the keys are not returned. A regular housekeeper will clean the communal areas in the flat and empty the bins twice weekly, as well as replenish toilet roles and hand towels.

The accommodation at Conquest is situated just a few minutes walk from the main hospital.

Accommodation car parking – Conquest only – Barrier access to accommodation car park is by a key fob, available from the Accommodation Office at a one-off payment of £20 (£10 refundable upon return of key fob and receipt)

Accommodation telephones – please note that the telephones in your room may only be used for making calls to other extensions within the hospital. Any calls made to external numbers must be made from your mobile

Rest Accommodation for Doctors in Training on Night Rotation

Room availability and charges

A room will be made available on request for any individual following a night shift up to 2pm free of charge.

For individuals who live within a 40 minute travelling distance from the work base if the room is still required after 2pm a £20.00 charge will apply.

For individuals who live outside of the 40 minute travelling distance working consecutive night shifts,  rooms will be provided free of charge for the Consecutive period up until your last working night shift.

For individuals who live outside of the 40 minute travelling distance after working the last working nightshift, a rest room will be provided until 2pm free of charge however if the individual requests the room for a longer period, which goes past 2pm, a £ 20.00 charge to be applied.

In all cases common sense will be applied.

Room Standard

Allocation is based on overall demand on each particular day as we are also housing a number of other specialities who are paying market rate and may require an extended booking etc.

Our rooms are allocated according to availability on any given day. Some standards may differ slightly i.e. decoration / bed size etc. However, all are equipped to the approved standard e.g. bed, clean linen, bathroom facilities and access to a kitchen area in order to enable individuals to rest between shifts .


Rooms need to be booked directly through the Accommodation Offices on each site – Conquest Ext 14 8001 and EDGH Ext 13 4955.

A copy of the rest period booking process flow chart can be accessed here Rest Period Booking Process

A copy of the residential accommodation rest room request form can be accessed here Accommodation Rest Room request form REVISED MC doc Aug 18


he following is a useful link to Doctor in the House an accommodation agency for professionals –