Trust Grade Doctors


Welcome to East Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust (ESHT).

The Medical Education Team are here to support doctors in training and to provide information and support to Trust/LAS doctors.


Mr Faiyaz Kapasi is our appointed Trust Doctors’ lead.

Mr Faiyaz Kapasi, is a Consultant Urologist and a strong Advocate for all Trust Doctors, especially those who are International Medical Graduates, ensuring the best possible experience whilst working for the ESHT in these vitally important service roles.

Watch Mr Kapasi’s  Trust Doctors’ Introduction here

Mr Kapasi can be contacted via email:

Other Useful Contacts

  • Aktham Nahhas – SAS Tutor EDGH
  • Adeel Khan – SAS Tutor Conquest
    • SAS doctors support, welfare and continuing profession development.
  • Learning and Development team
Position Name Email Links
Trust Doctor Lead Mr Faiyaz Kapasi Watch Mr Kapasi’s  Trust Doctors’ Introduction here
Administrator Medical Education
SAS Tutor EDGH Dr Aktham Nahhas
SAS Tutor Conquest Adeel Khan
Study Leave Applications for Trust Doctors Learning and Development Team
Trust Doctors’ Reps EDGH
  • Dr Verghese Kurien
  • Dr Ragual Rajagopal
Trust Doctors’ Reps Conquest
  • Dr Aimal Khan
  • Dr Priya Thomas
Useful Information
Buddy Scheme This is a scheme for trust grade doctors to be paired with a Buddy. Mentors will be doctor in the same hospital who will be a friendly face, to provide informal support or mentoring and will discuss any issues. Many of the Buddy volunteers are international medical graduates themselves who know some of the challenges which can come with starting work in a new system. Contact our Pastoral Fellows:  Paul Gosling (email:  or Jolie Wilkinson (email:
ePortfolio You may use the HORUS ePortflio system.  Look at the HORUS Support page for Non Training grades (NTG)  for more information. Contact Anita Todd or Mina Wareham if you would like to have a HORUS Account.
Paper Portfolio If you do not use the ePortfolio, you may have a paper one.   We can provide most download copies of ePortfolio forms.
Foundation Curriculum
  • ESHT has recently introduced a scheme for trust grade doctors to be paired with a Buddy on starting in the trust. Mentors will be another doctor in the same hospital who will be a friendly face, someone to provide informal support or mentoring and someone to discuss any issues with either clinical or issues outside work. Many of the Buddy volunteers are international medical graduates themselves who know some of the challenges which can come with starting work in a new system.
  • If you would like more information or you would like a Buddy please email one of the Pastoral Fellows

LAS Doctors at foundation level are able to use the Horus ePortfolio. Please go to the Horus Support site here for further information. Specifically please refer to the sections on what you can and cannot use the ePortfolio for.  Please contactMedical Education:  if you are filling a training programme vacancy should you wish to register to use Horus – as they will need to set up an account for you. You will need to provide an email address that you check regularly (preferably, your GMC number and Medical School.  Please contact Tina Scott (Conquest) if you are a non-training grade doctor and wish to register.


If you do not use the ePortfolio we would encourage you to compile your own paper portfolio. We can provide you with downloaded copies of most ePortfolio forms. You can then print these forms for your paper portfolio.   

Anita, Mina and Tina can provide you with a guidance and timeline document usually given to FY1 and FY2 doctors in training. This outlines which forms, supervised learning events (SLE’s) and meetings need to be included and when.

The FY1 and FY2 doctors in training have to cross reference all of their ePortfolio forms (evidence) to the Foundation curriculum. By the end of their year they have to be able to evidence that they have covered all syllabus areas within the curriculum. We would therefore recommend that you do the same with your paper portfolio. Link to the curriculum: as well as further advice and guidance on completion of SLE’s and other forms via

As a LAS doctor you would not have an Educational Supervisor allocated to you by Medical Education.  You should have a Clinical Supervisor and your department should tell you who this will be. It is advisable to arrange to meet with your Clinical Supervisor to discuss completion of your portfolio.  You will have an allocated appraiser too – please see the Revalidation question below. Please also see “Mentoring Scheme Pilot” below.  

Throughout your time in post your Clinical Supervisor will check and complete forms in your paper portfolio. Our Foundation Leads (Mr Williams and Dr Rahmani) are also happy to meet with you to look at your paper portfolio. If you would like to arrange this please contact Anita or Mina.

At the end of your time in post the Foundation Leads can meet with you to check your paper portfolio. If they feel that enough evidence is presented then they will usually provide a local letter to confirm your experience and competencies covered.

If you would like the Foundation Leads to do this for you – please can we ask that you provide Anita and Mina with photocopies of any SLEs and supervisor forms as they are completed.

Revalidation is a review process and is how licensed doctors demonstrate that they are up to date and fit to practise and that they continue to meet the professional standards set by the GMC through annual appraisals. It is each doctor’s responsibility and legal obligation to follow the GMCs guidance to maintain and protect their licence to practice.  Annual appraisals are a GMC requirement for all non-training grade doctors. 

If you are not in a formal training post, the revalidation team offer support and training for appraisals and revalidation to help you get the best you can from your appraisal.  If you are in a formal training post, your local training board (Deanery) are responsible for your revalidation and not ESHT.  Please contact the Revalidation Team for further information. 

Welcome emails will be sent to your email address. 

Email:     Phone: 07773 649735 or 07812 494693  (8am – 4pm Monday to Friday)

Revalidation Office, 1st floor, Duncan House, Eastbourne DGH 

Revalidation Office, Room 106, Ground Floor, Education Centre, Conquest Hospital 

Read about Medical Appraisal and Revalidation Training



There are two main sites that the FY1s and FY2s in training use for elearning – these are and  (referred to as SCRIPT). You should be able to register on both of these to complete modules.


Space permitting, you are welcome to attend the FY1 and/or FY2 teaching on each site.  Anita and Mina can provide you with dates/times/topics. If you would like to receive email/WhatsApp updates please provide Anita (for Eastbourne side) and Mina (for Conquest) with your email address and mobile telephone number.

If you add your name to the register of the sessions that you attend then your attendance will be centrally recorded.

Your department should also have their own regular teaching – please ask your Clinical Supervisor. Grand Round sessions take place on each site too.


You will need to contact the Resuscitation team directly if you wish to book onto any of their courses.   Email ESHT Resus Team   or phone   at Eastbourne 134991  As a LAS doctor you would not be able to access any study leave funding via Medical Education – please speak to your department administrator to apply for leave/funding.


Simulation sessions are scheduled for the foundation doctors in training posts throughout the year.  If we have spaces available you will be welcome to attend but we do have to give priority to those in training posts. To enquire or to book a place contact Loretta Bogusz


Medical Education only receives study leave funding for doctors in training. Please discuss any study leave you wish to take with your supervising Consultant and Departmental Administrator. The process would be to pay for your course or conference up front and then put in a claim for reimbursement via Learning & Development via the following e-mail address:  You would have to complete an application form, and receipts would need to be attached. LAS/Trust doctors are eligible for £1,000 per annum.  This would be pro-rata if you are in post for less than a year. 

FY1 and FY2 Doctors in training can take taster time in other specialties as part of their programme. There is no formal provision for LAS FY1 and FY2 doctors to take taster time – we would therefore advise you to discuss this with your supervising Consultant and department administrator.



Half-day workshops for doctors who have recently moved to the UK are available. Click here: Welcome to UK Practice .


Careers support is in place for all doctors in training but this can also be accessed by LAS doctors. Please see details on our website at

If you would like to be allocated an SAS Doctor as your mentor please contact Tina Scott on

Please also remember to check the Medical Education noticeboards in the Education Centres on both sites. Any queries contact:

Tina Scott

Anita Todd

Mina Wareham,

Any queries relating to your contract, pay, working hours, rota etc should be directed to your department administrator and/or Medical HR –