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23 June 2017
23 June 2017
23 June 2017 | Leaflet

Ankle Fracture – Weber A

This leaflet explains the ongoing management of your injury. You have sustained a fracture to your fibula (outside ankle bone) this is classified as a stable Weber A type fracture….

23 June 2017
23 June 2017 | Leaflet

Ankle Avulsion Fracture

This leaflet explains the ongoing management of your injury. You have sustained an avulsion fracture to your ankle, which is treated like a soft tissue injury (sprain) to your ankle….

23 June 2017
23 June 2017 | Leaflet

Ankle Arthroscopy

Arthroscopy is an operation on a joint which is done by a “keyhole” technique. An instrument which contains a video camera is inserted into the joint to allow examination of…

23 June 2017
23 June 2017
23 June 2017
23 June 2017
23 June 2017 | Leaflet

Ankle Soft Tissue Injury

You have sustained a soft tissue injury (sprain) to your ankle. This can take approximately 6 weeks to heal, although pain and swelling can be ongoing for 3 to 6…

23 June 2017
23 June 2017 | Leaflet

What is Amblyopia? – Information for Parents

Amblyopia is an early childhood condition, where the vision does not develop properly. It usually occurs in one eye, but it can occur in both. Sometimes referred to as lazy…

23 June 2017