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Travelling to Eastbourne DGH thumbnail image

Travelling to Eastbourne DGH

Travel information including, maps, bus and train information, car parking charges, blue badge parking information and information about help with travels costs….

Facilities for patients and visitors thumbnail image

Facilities for patients and visitors

There is a shop, a flower shop and a coffee shop open for patients and visitors to the hospital. Friends of Conquest Hospital shop The Friends of Conquest Hospital shop is in the main entrance of the hospital, open daily. The shop sells newspapers, magazines, greetings cards, snacks including a small selection of sandwiches, and […]…

Travelling to Conquest Hospital thumbnail image

Travelling to Conquest Hospital

Travel information including, maps, bus and train information, car parking charges, blue badge parking information and information about help with travels costs…

Comments and enquiries thumbnail image

Comments and enquiries

We welcome comments or enquiries from you about the services we provide or if you would like more information about this Trust. Please complete the comment form below. If you enter a valid email address you will receive an acknowledgement. Please do not use this form for urgent enquiries. If your enquiry is urgent, please […]…

Friends of our Hospitals

The Friends of our Hospitals are charities which exist to support patients and staff of our hospitals.

Get involved thumbnail image

Get involved

There are many ways in which you can get more involved with our trust, whether it is through volunteering or by donating to our charity.

Friends and Family Test

The Friends and Family Test (FFT) is a national scheme that allows you tell us about the care you have received. You will be asked a series of questions that give us vital feedback on our services. Your feedback is confidential and will be shared with individual areas so that suggested improvements can be acted […]…

Freedom of Information (FOI) request

The Freedom of Information (FOI) Act gives members of the public a general right to request access to all types of recorded information held by public authorities. You are entitled to be told whether or not we hold information and, if we do, to have it communicated to you, normally within 20 working days, in […]…

Meetings in public thumbnail image

Meetings in public

View dates and times of our Meetings in Public and view and download copies of our agenda papers….