Musculoskeletal (MSK) Therapy Services

Our non-hospital based community Musculoskeletal (MSK) services are delivered by a new community partnership, called East Sussex MSK Community Partnership.

This community partnership is made up of East Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust and Horder Healthcare. For more information about this service please visit: East Sussex MSK Community Partnership

Your GP might refer you to this service or one of our senior clinicians may review the information from the GP, and will decide whether to refer on. You can also self-refer to the partnership if you need their care.

The services provided by the partnership include:

  • Clinical triage (looking at your symptoms and diagnosing what is wrong)​
  • MSK non-surgical therapy and rehabilitation (inclusive of gynaecology, urology, ante and post-natal, hand therapy) ​
  • Personalised care including shared decision making/care navigators​
  • MSK Pain Services​
  • MSK Rheumatology Services​
  • MSK Orthotics and Podiatry​
  • Prescribing and medicines management​

How to contact East Sussex MSK Community Partnership

You may be referred into the service by your GP or one of the clinicians at the trust. You can also self-refer into the service as a patient if you need care from the team.

0300 131 5225

For patients living in: High Wealds, Lewes and Havens or Eastbourne, Hailsham and Seaford areas:

For patients living in: Hastings and Rother areas:

To self-refer, please see this page on the ESMSK website.