As a patient, relative or carer there may be times when you need to turn to someone for advice and support.
Our patient advice and liaison service (PALS) provide confidential advice and support to help you to resolve any questions or concerns you may have about the care we provide.
PALS can:
- advise and support patients, their families and carers
- provide information on NHS services
- listen to your concerns, suggestions or queries
- help sort out current problems quickly.
PALS act independently when handling patient and family concerns, liaising with colleagues, managers and, where appropriate, relevant organisations, to negotiate prompt solutions. If necessary, PALS can also refer patients and families to specific local or national-based support agencies.
Talking it through
If you are concerned about your care or any of the services we provide, please speak to a colleague on the ward or in the department in the first instance, if you feel able to do so. This is often the best way to get things resolved quickly. If you do not feel comfortable talking to the person involved, please ask to speak to the nurse in charge or their manager.
If concerns cannot be resolved locally, we can help you to access our formal complaints process, where your complaint will be formally investigated and you will receive a written response.
Get in touch
We have offices at both Conquest Hospital and Eastbourne District General Hospital. Pop in and see us Monday to Friday between 9am and 3pm and we will be happy to help.
You can find us at Conquest Hospital on level 3, adjacent to the seating area near main reception.
You can find us at Eastbourne District General Hospital on level 2, we are the first office on the left once you enter the main entrance.
Call us on:
0300 131 5309 (Conquest)
0300 131 4784 (Eastbourne)
Alternatively you can email us on
Requesting health records
If you would like to request copies of your health records, you can do so via Requests for health records.