9 November 2021

Research Team win ‘Hero of the Month’ award

The Research team based across the Trust have won the Trust’s ‘Hero of the Month’ award.

Research team at Eastbourne DGH with Steve Phoenix - Chairman

Research team at Eastbourne DGH with Steve Phoenix – Chairman

Research team at Conquest Hospital with Steve Phoenix - Chairman and David Walker - Medical Director

Research team at Conquest Hospital with Steve Phoenix – Chairman and David Walker – Medical Director

The team was nominated by Janet Sinclair, Cardiology Senior Research who said: “The team have worked above and beyond gathering all of the data of every patient admitted to our hospitals from the start of COVID-19 and delivered this information back to Public Health England within tight timelines.

“The team helped with the Recovery study, a ground breaking study which has played a key role in helping very ill patients and staff over the last 15 months throughout the UK.

The team have also cared for 240 members of staff over the last year with the Siren study taking Covid swabs and bloods for Antibodies and monitoring results.

“We are a small team but everyone has pulled together, often working well over their normal hours including holidays and weekends within their own time. The team have helped each other and shown much compassion and support throughout this difficult time.

I am one of the lead nurses of this team and am very proud of the leadership we have and every team member for everything they have given both professionally and personally.”

Trust Chairman, Steve Phoenix presented the teams with a certificate and chocolates.

The ‘Hero of the Month’ award recognises the great work of colleagues who demonstrate how East Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust values are lived out as part of everyday working life. Each month, members of staff nominate their colleagues for this award. Eight Divisional heroes of the month are then selected by divisional leads, and these nominations go forward to be selected as the overall Trust ‘Hero of the Month’ by the Trust Executive.