Endoscopy - Pre-procedure

6 July 2023

Having a Transnasal Endoscopy (TNE)

During a transnasal endoscopy (TNE) your endoscopist passes a long slim flexible tube, similar to the size of a drinking straw, containing a camera and a light, through your nose, down the back of your throat, down your oesophagus (gullet), into your stomach and the first part of the small bowel (duodenum). This allows your…

6 July 2023

Having an Oesophageal Stent Insertion during a Gastroscopy

What is an oesophageal stent insertion? The oesophagus or gullet is a hollow muscular tube which takes food from the mouth down to the stomach. If it becomes narrowed or blocked this can lead to problems with swallowing. One way of overcoming this problem is by inserting a metal, mesh tube, called a stent. During…

6 March 2020

Having a Gastroscopy and Flexible Sigmoidoscopy

During a gastroscopy your endoscopist passes a long flexible tube containing a camera and a light through your mouth, over the back of your tongue, down your oesophagus (gullet), into your stomach and the first part of the small bowel (duodenum). This allows your endoscopist to view the lining of these organs.

6 March 2020

Having a Gastroscopy and Colonoscopy

During a gastroscopy your endoscopist passes a long flexible tube containing a camera and a light through your mouth, over the back of your tongue, down your oesophagus (gullet), into your stomach and the first part of the small bowel (duodenum). This allows your endoscopist to view the lining of these organs.

30 December 2019

Having an Endoscopic Mucosal Resection

Endoscopic Mucosal Resection (EMR) simply defines a technique to remove polyps larger than 2 centimetres. It is undertaken at either colonoscopy or flexible sigmoidoscopy under sedation or with the patient awake. The reason for removing the polyp (a wart like lesion on the inner layer of the lining of the bowel wall), is that polyps…

23 July 2019

Having an Endobronchial Ultrasound (EBUS) and lymph node sampling procedure

An EBUS is a procedure which allows the doctor to view the airways inside your lungs.  A small flexible camera fitted with ultrasound is carefully passed through your mouth into your lung. The doctor will use an ultrasound scanner to look at the glands (lymph nodes) in the area and may take samples using a…

10 July 2018

Having a Thoracoscopy

Thoracoscopy (also known as pleuroscopy) is a medical procedure involving internal examination within the pleural and thoracic cavity. Thoracoscopy uses a special instrument called a thoracoscope. This is a thin, tubular instrument which has a video camera built into the end. The camera feeds pictures from the chest on to a viewing screen. This allows…

9 February 2018

Having a Percutaneous Endoscopic Gastrostomy (PEG) tube inserted

PEG tubes are used for people who have irreversible swallowing problems or who are unable to take in enough food or fluid to meet their nutritional requirements (following a stroke or from Motor Neurone Disease for example). They are also placed when the swallowing mechanism is expected to be impaired for a significant period of…

29 November 2017

Having a Bronchoscopy and Insertion of Bronchial Stent

Your doctor has advised you to have a bronchoscopy with a possible stent insertion. This leaflet tells you about the procedure.  It explains what is involved and what the possible risks are. It is not meant to replace informed discussion between you and your doctor, but can act as a starting point for such a…