Endoscopy - Pre-procedure

23 June 2017

Having an Oesophageal Dilatation during a Gastroscopy

During a Gastroscopy your endoscopist passes a long flexible tube containing a camera and a light through your mouth, over the back of your tongue, down your oesophagus (gullet), a deflated balloon is inserted into the narrowed area. It is then inflated with water which stretches the stricture (narrowing). Your endoscopist may want to take…

23 June 2017

Having an Endoscopic Retrograde Cholangio-Pancreatography (ERCP)

Endoscopic Retrograde Cholangio-Pancreatography is a procedure that combines the use of endoscopy and x-ray guidance, to examine and/or treat problems with the bile ducts, gallbladder, liver and pancreas. During an ERCP your endoscopist passes a long flexible tube containing a camera and light through your mouth, over the back of your tongue, down your oesophagus…

23 June 2017

Having a Gastroscopy

Your endoscopist passes a flexible tube connected to a camera (a gastroscope) it is carefully passed through your mouth, over the back of the tongue, down your gullet (oesophagus), into the stomach and the first part of your small bowel (duodenum).

23 June 2017

Having a Flexible Sigmoidoscopy

During Flexible Sigmoidoscopy your endoscopist is able to view the inside of the lower part of the large bowel, up to the Sigmoid Colon. A long flexible tube connected to a camera (a sigmoidoscope) is carefully passed through the anus into the large bowel. It will give a clear view of the lining of the…

23 June 2017

Having a Colonoscopy

During a Colonoscopy your endoscopist passes a long flexible tube containing a camera and a light through your rectum and around the whole of your large bowel (colon). This allows your endoscopist to view the lining of this organ and enables the detection of subtle abnormalities. A colonoscopy will help your doctor to find out…

23 June 2017

Having a Bronchoscopy

During bronchoscopy a doctor is able to view the airways inside your lungs. A small flexible camera is carefully passed through your nose or mouth into your lung. It gives a clear view of your airways and also allows your doctor to collect lung secretions or take biopsy samples. Local anaesthetic is used to make…

23 June 2017

Use of Entonox

ENTONOX offers safe and effective pain relief for situations where rapid onset and offset is indicated.