Study Leave
Please see the HEE website, for lists of Mandatory and Aspirational courses, FAQs, Guidance documents, forms and many other useful pieces of information.
ESHT study leave process flow chart Please ensure that you submit your study leave request at least six weeks prior to the time of study leave otherwise leave may be rejected. Any study leave forms submitted retrospectively will not be accepted. This time will be recorded as annual leave
ESHT Study Leave Form. (Please note that this form cannot be downloaded on Macs)
International Travel, accommodation and subsistence
Costs associated with international travel, international accommodation and subsistence during internal events will NOT be covered by the study leave budget and trainees should take this into account when applying for international events.
Foundation doctors
The guidance from the 2016 UKFPO reference guide is summarised below:
- Study leave will normally be granted flexibly and tailored to individual needs, in accordance with the requirements of the curriculum.
- Study leave for Foundation Year 1 doctors (maximum 15 days) will take the form of a regular scheduled teaching/training session as agreed locally; also, FY1 doctors can use up to 5 days of study leave for tasters to inform future career decision making
- Study leave for Foundation Year 2 doctors (maximum 30 days) will include periods of regular scheduled teaching/training sessions delivered locally and for many no additional support will be needed. Study leave may also, with approval from the Foundation Programme Training Director and service manager.
- Tasters, as a mechanism to inform professional development should be encouraged, ideally to be taken towards the end of F1 (the study leave can be borrowed from F2).
- It may be appropriate to undertake a single approved external course that aids decision making and contributes towards career development. Relevant courses should be those that are on the study leave lists relevant to the specialties aligned to career intentions.
- Study leave should be allowed for periods of sitting an examination.
- The delivery of Statutory and Mandatory training remains the responsibility of the Trust. This also applies to courses that are mandated i.e. essential for the FD to perform their role in particular specialities, e.g. radiology courses for FDs in A and E.
- The administration and approval of study leave remains the responsibility of the Trust. Foundation TPDs will be responsible for the approval in line with Trust policies. Only aspirational courses, which will be minimal, should be directed to the Foundation School Directors. Optional and Mandatory courses are agreed locally by Foundation Training Programme Directors.
- Academic trainees should be attending local academic study days
Travel Expense Guidelines for Junior Doctors