Children in care nurse specialists

Our children’s community nursing team is made up of specialist nurses who promote the health and wellbeing of children in care (CIC).

We act as health advocates and are involved with the assessment, planning and delivery of health services for looked after children and young people. All our nurses are registered nurses with additional experience and qualifications in areas such as health visiting, school nursing, sexual and mental health, and drug and alcohol support.

Our team of nurses carry out health assessments and coordinate health services for all children subject to a care order who live in East Sussex and are placed here by East Sussex County Council. We also carry out health assessments for children in care living in East Sussex who are placed by other county councils. Learn more about looked after children.

Every child in care is provided with an Initial Health Assessment (IHA) within 28 days of entering care. In East Sussex this is carried out at a clinic by the community paediatrician. Review Health Assessments (RHA) are carried out by the specialist nurses every six months for children aged under five and yearly for those aged five to 18.

The looked after children nursing team works in close partnership with children, young people, their carers, the wider health team, social workers and local authorities to ensure that children and young people’s health needs are supported and prioritised while they remain in care and as care leavers.

Contact the team

NamePositionWorking PatternMobile / Email
Rebecca MatterNamed Nurse, Looked After ChildrenMonday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday

07971 794908

Jane GibbonsSpecialist Nurse for Children in CareMonday, Tuesday, Wednesday

07717 867685

Sally HylandsSpecialist Nurse for Children in CareMonday to Friday, 9am-5pm

07980 958622

Sally LawSpecialist Nurse for Children in CareMonday 8.30am-2pm, Tuesday 8.15am-6pm, Friday 9am-6pm

07811 684001

Miriam CotterillSpecialist Nurse for Children in CareTuesday 9am-3pm, Thursday 9am-2.15pm, Friday 9am-5pm

07814 090963

Stephanie StanyardSpecialist Nurse for Children in CareMonday and Wednesday, 8am-4pm, Tuesday 8am-5pm

07817 120473

Carley HoweSpecialist Nurse for Children in CareTuesday, Thursday and Friday

07580 994628

Rachel LeveySpecialist Nurse for Children in CareTuesday, Wednesday Thursday and Friday

07974 614728

Amanda SudanSpecialist Nurse for Children in CareMonday to Friday

0300 131 5933

Harriet GibbsSpecialist Nurse for Children in CareTuesday, Wednesday and Thursday

0300 131 5934

Emma DaySpecialist Nurse for Children in CareMonday – Friday, alternative Wednesdays

0300 131 5913 / 07920 542985

Louise HerriotBusiness AdministratorMonday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday

0300 131 5911

07971 950314

0300 131 4520

Sarah TibbottAdmininstratorMonday to Thursday

0300 131 4520

0300 131 5917


Zoe LovedayAdministrator, Children in CareTuesday, Friday, Alternate Wednesday and Thursday

0300 131 4520

0300 131 5997

Maddie Danila Administrator, Children in CareTuesday, Friday, Alternate Wednesday and Thursday

0300 131 4520

0300 131 5987