Musculoskeletal (MSK) Paediatric Physiotherapists assesses and treats patients with musculoskeletal conditions, which are diseases and injuries relating to muscles, bones, and joints.
Children and Adolescents can suffer similar injuries and problems to adults, however there are also a range of conditions that exclusively affect children. Mostly, these are related to growth and will often resolve over time without any intervention. It predominantly affects the lower limbs. Physiotherapy aims to speed up resolution of these conditions and ensure there is nothing else underlying the symptoms.
Your GP may have referred you to Paediatric Orthopaedics but you may find your referral is re-directed to paediatric physiotherapy or podiatry in the first instance, as many childhood conditions do not require Orthopaedic intervention, surgery or imagining.
You can click on the menu to the left to find out about common paediatric MSK conditions that your child may be suffering from.