Current Studies

Prospective randomised controlled trials:

  • Hydroxyapatite Total Hip Replacement Study.
  • A randomised prospective controlled trial comparing cemented vs uncemented fixed bearing total knee arthroplasty.
  • A randomised prospective trial comparing methods of acetabular implant fixation in primary total hip replacements in elderly patients.
  • A randomised prospective trial comparing wear in different bearing surfaces in primary total hip replacements (Ceramic on Ceramic vs Metal on Polyethylene Liners).
  • A randomised prospective clinical evaluation of Hydroxyapatite coated vs cemented total meniscal knee prosthesis.
  • A prospective randomised controlled trial comparing the minimally invasive surgical approach for the oxford unicompartmental knee arthroplasty against the standard medial parapatellar approach.
  • Survivorship study of the AGC total knee replacement.

Long term follow up:

  • 14 years experience with the Oxford Partial Knee replacement
    Butler-Manuel A, Davidson J, East DJ, Miles K, Weatherly K
    Biomet Inc, Cadveric Instructions Course
    November 2013, Oxford
  • 14 years experience with the Oxford Partial Knee replacement
    Butler-Manuel A, Davidson J, East DJ, Miles K, Weatherly K
    Biomet Inc, Cadveric Instructions Course
    May 2013, Oxford
  • Oxford unicompartmental phase III knee replacements.
  • A long term survivorship study of patients undergoing minimally invasive hip surgery within a short stay programme.