Osteoporosis means bones of low density (= weak bones). Many people get this especially as they get older without realising until a bone breaks with little trauma. Your fracture will…
Our emergency departments are currently extremely busy, and you may face a long wait to be seen. More information is available on alternative services.
Osteoporosis means bones of low density (= weak bones). Many people get this especially as they get older without realising until a bone breaks with little trauma. Your fracture will…
During a Gastroscopy your endoscopist passes a long flexible tube containing a camera and a light through your mouth, over the back of your tongue, down your oesophagus (gullet), a…
The oesophagus, or gullet, is a hollow, muscular tube which takes food from the mouth down to the stomach. If it becomes blocked, then there will obviously be a problem…
You have been referred to the Lower Urinary tract symptom Clinic because we have either received a new referral from your GP or as a follow up appointment for your…
Your child has been admitted to the Children’s Ward (Kipling) or the Children’s Assessment and Short Stay Unit (CASSU) for an acute illness….
A Somatostatin Receptor scan looks for certain types of cells by labelling them with a small amount of radioactivity. A Gamma Camera produces pictures of the where the radioactivity is…
Arthritis is inflammation of a joint. The common form ‘Osteoarthritis’ is caused by wear-and-tear, although there is a genetic pre-disposition to it….
A thyroid scan is a test to show the function of your thyroid gland. It is often used to investigate any swellings in your neck or may be requested as…
Percutaneous Gastrostomy is a technique whereby a narrow plastic tube is placed through the skin, directly into the stomach. Once in place the tube can be used to give you…
A mucous cyst is a ganglion that appears on the back of a finger or thumb, near the end joint (DIP joint in the finger, IP joint in the thumb)….