
Cardiologists are doctors who diagnose, assess and treat patients with diseases and defects of the heart and blood vessels (the cardiovascular system).

Cardiologists work with adult patients – paediatric cardiology is a separate specialty. Cardiologists manage patients with conditions such as:

  • angina (chest pain caused by narrowing of the coronary arteries)
  • arrhythmias, eg atrial fibrillation (irregular heartbeat)
  • heart murmurs due to heart valve disease
  • cardiomyopathy (disease of the heart muscle) with heart failure including pulmonary
  • oedema (accumulation of fluid)
  • coronary artery thrombosis or myocardial infarction (heart attack) often associated with high blood pressure (hypertension) and high cholesterol
  • diseases of the arteries (atherosclerosis, arteritis, atheroma)
  • hole in the heart and other forms of congenital heart disease within adult lifeincluding transition from paediatric care and shared care of pregnant women with heart disease

Much of the emphasis is on improving survival rates and quality of life following heart attacks, heart failure or heart rhythm disorders; but cardiologists are also concerned with understanding disease processes and disease prevention.

Cardiology Consultants

Dr Ali Afsar

Consultant Cardiologist

Dr Shahram Ahmadvazir

Consultant - Cardiology

Dr Katarzyna Dickinson

Consultant - Cardiology

Dr John Gomes

Consultant - Cardiology

Dr Imtiaz Kalyar

Consultant - Cardiology
Profile image of Professor Nikhil Patel

Professor Nikhil Patel

Consultant - Cardiology

Dr Asimakis Sideris

Consultant - Cardiology

Dr Panagiotis Spanos

Consultant - Cardiology
Profile image of Dr Rick Veasey

Dr Rick Veasey

Consultant - Cardiology

Cardiology telephone directory

Hospital Telephone number
Conquest Hospital

0300 131 5030
0300 131 5061
0300 131 5062

Monday to Friday
8.30am to 12pm and 2pm to 4.30pm

Eastbourne DGH

0300 131 5430
0300 131 5446
0300 131 5447
0300 131 5460
0300 131 5461
0300 131 4500
0300 131 4500

Monday to Friday
8.30am to 12pm and 2pm to 4.30pm

Please Note: These are secretarial contact details. Appointment queries need to be redirected via the Appointment Centre - Tel: 0300 131 4600.

We provide this service at

Conquest Hospital

The Ridge, St Leonards-on-Sea
East Sussex, TN37 7RD
0300 131 4500

Eastbourne District General Hospital

Kings Drive, Eastbourne
East Sussex, BN21 2UD
0300 131 4500