Podiatry self referral

Our NHS Podiatry Services deal with patients who have high risk foot conditions that could result in infection and hospitalisation.

Many lower risk foot conditions can be self managed and there is a lot of helpful information throughout these pages.

Please note that this service does not accept referrals for nail cutting and the removal for corns and callus unless there is another medically associated risk including diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, immunosuppression, peripheral vascular disease, peripheral neuropathy, steroid treatment or tissue viability concerns. We do not currently offer verruca treatment.

If you need to find a private podiatrist use this link – Find a Podiatrist

Please be aware all referrals will be assessed in line with our NHS podiatry referral criteria and may not be accepted.

Contact NHS 24 on telephone number 111, or attend your local Emergency Department (A&E) first if you have recently developed:

  • Difficulty passing or are unable to pass urine
  • Loss of bowel control
  • Unstable gait, feet do not go where you want them to
  • Numbness or tingling around your back passage or genitals
  • Loss of sexual function, unable to achieve and maintain an
    erection, lack of sensation during sexual intercourse

Please see your GP, call 111, attend your local walk in centre or if you feel very unwell, please attend your local Emergency Department (A&E) first

  • Difficulty passing or are unable to pass urine
  • Loss of bowel control
  • Unstable gait, feet do not go where you want them to
  • Numbness or tingling around your back passage or genitals
  • Loss of sexual function, unable to achieve and maintain an
    erection, lack of sensation during sexual intercourse

You should contact us if you develop an urgent concern with your feet such as:

  • A new cut or open wound, deteriorating ulcer with increased swelling, discolouration, redness or pus
  • Your foot becomes red hot swollen with pain or without pain
  • If you have recently undergone toenail surgery and you are concerned about how your toe(s) is healing and you are on a PIFU pathway
  • Your symptoms have deteriorated, cause distress or significantly affect your mobility and function