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Mental Health in pregnancy
Pregnancy and the first year after giving birth are times of great adjustment and emotional upheaval in a woman’s life. Most women go through pregnancy and the first year after…
Your Lifestyle during your pregnancy
There are a number of things you can do to stay healthy while you are pregnant.
Common Problems in Pregnancy
Most women can expect an uncomplicated pregnancy, but there are some conditions that require prompt and expert attention. These are listed below for your information. Bleeding Bleeding in pregnancy is…
Blood Tests in Pregnancy
‘Booking bloods’ – routine antenatal tests offered to all women. Antibodies Sometimes unexpected antibodies (foreign blood proteins) are present in the blood stream from a previous pregnancy or blood transfusion….
Children in care nurse specialists
Our children’s community nursing team is made up of specialist nurses who promote the health and wellbeing of children in care (CIC). We act as health advocates and are involved…
Antenatal Clinic Appointments
Antenatal care is provided predominately by Community Midwives based in a variety of community locations including, Children’s Centres and GP’s surgeries. However, your care can be shared with any health…
Your Antenatal Care
During your pregnancy, your labour and the birth of your baby, a multidisciplinary team of midwives, obstetricians, General Practitioners, maternity support workers, neonatologists and neonatal nurses will look after you…
As soon as you know you are pregnant, please get in touch with us to book your first appointment, booking your first appointment is quick and easy via our self-referral…
Preparing for pregnancy
We know that healthy women and people have fewer complications during pregnancy. This means babies are healthier and grow into healthy children and adults. To give you and your baby…