Taking part in diabetic research

ADDRESS-2 research project is sponsored by Imperial College London and currently funded by Diabetes UK. It has five main objectives:

  • Maximize the opportunities for people newly diagnosed with type 1 diabetes to enter into early intervention trials by making them aware of these trials
  • Provide opportunities to take part in observational studies soon after a diagnosis of type 1 diabetes, particularly for anyone who doesn’t wish to take part in an intervention trial
  • Share opportunities and signpost to studies recruiting people with type 1 diabetes for anyone who doesn’t feel able to take part in research at the time of diagnosis, but may want to after adapting to living with the condition
  • Facilitate people who may have a high risk of developing type 1 diabetes joining new prevention trials before the condition develops, particularly through siblings of ADDRESS-2 participants

How to join the ADDRESS-2 research project

To take part in the ADDRESS-2 research project you must:

  1. Have been diagnosed with type 1 diabetes within the last 6 months
  2. Be aged 1 years or older

If you are interested please visit: