Urgent care and minor injuries

NHS 111 can help if you’re not sure where to go

NHS 111 can help if you’re not sure where to go

Call NHS 111 or visit 111 online. They can direct you to the nearest urgent care service or book an appointment with an out of hours doctor. They can also book an appointment at the Emergency Department for you if it is an emergency. This may reduce your wait.

If you need urgent medical attention, but it’s not life-threatening you can go to your nearest minor injuries unit or urgent treatment centre to get care. They are open at least 12 hours a day, every day. They deal with conditions such as:

being sick (vomiting) and diarrhoea

bites and stings

cuts and grazes

coughs and colds

ear and throat infections

emergency contraception

eye problems

high temperature in child and adults

minor head injuries

minor scalds and burns

sprains and strains

skin infections and rashes

stomach pain

suspected broken limbs

Minor injuries and urgent treatment centres in East Sussex

Urgent care for infants and children

It can be difficult to know when to take your child to the emergency department (A&E).

Take your child to the Emergency Department if they have

a fever and are still sluggish (floppy), despite having paracetamol or ibuprofen

severe tummy (abdominal) pain

a leg or arm injury and cannot use the limb

swallowed a poison or tablets

Call an ambulance if your child:

stops breathing

is struggling for breath (for example, you may notice them breathing fast, panting, becoming very wheezy, or see the muscles just under their ribcage sucking in when they breathe in)

is unconscious or seems unaware of what’s going on

has a cut that will not stop bleeding or is gaping open

will not wake up

has a fit for the first time, even if they seem to recover.

Child first aid

Visit the NHS website for first aid advice for burns, cuts, swallowing non-edible objects/substances and more.

Useful NHS links

The NHS A-Z of health conditions gives advice on how to treat various conditions at home before seeking medical help.