ADHD assessments

We have been running a pilot project at the child development clinic (CDC) to assess a limited number of young people for ADHD.

The first phase was to assess children on the waiting list for both our service and the child and adolescent mental health service (CAMHS). The second phase was to assess children who were already being seen in our service and were in need of an ADHD assessment, rather than referring them to another service, such as CAMHS, for this.

The pilot has now come to an end and we are no longer able to offer ADHD assessments in our service. We continue to work through the assessments we have started but we are not taking new referrals. We are also providing ongoing treatment for those diagnosed and on medication.

We continue to believe that it is important to offer ADHD assessments to children in East Sussex in a more joined up manner and we are hopeful that we will be funded to continue the project. Thank you to all our wonderful families who took part in the pilot.

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